Welcome to our website

This is the Official Beyond The Grave Site (BTG), here you can discover the hidden treasure of our group! Don't Forget to log-in to our Guestbook and Subscribe!

The Team


Team Manager: Boss Jay Marlo Lapining



The Members:

- Arvin "Chuii" Tecson

- Ariel "Tata" Lastimosa

- Harry "Tisoy" Diano

- Hanz "Swe2x" Colinares

- Marc "Atonix" Aton

- Peter "Pipo" Estroso

-Vincent "Timoy" Dela Victoria

...and last but not the least!!!


- Keeven "Gwapo sa SSA-T" Pinili


BTG: Beyond The Grave


This the Official Site of the Beyond The Grave...


by: Swe2x...


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